Strategy Shop
Demonstrations of a range of strategies for learning words.

Long or Short
Spot the long and short vowel phonemes.

Violet's Vowel Suffix
Demonstrations and games for adding the suffixes ‑ing, ‑ed, ‑er & ‑ey.

Plural Pirates
Demonstrations and games for adding ‑s and ‑es.

Third Person Singular Pirates
Demonstrations and games for adding ‑s and ‑es.

Route to Spelling
A step by step process for having a go at spelling unfamiliar words.

Adjective Astronauts
Demonstrations and games for adding ‑er and ‑est.

Verb Vikings
Demonstrations and games for adding ‑ing and ‑ed.

Connie's Consonant Suffixes
Demonstrations and games for adding ‑ment, ‑ly, ‑ful, ‑ness and ‑less.

Letter Strings Countdown
Rehearse reading words with common letter strings.

The Little Metal Camel
Ending spotter, word sort and best guess.

Le Letter String
Explore the spelling of words that end in the letter string le.

Apostrophe Countdown
Countdown game for reading words containing apostrophes.

Apostrophe Matching
Matching pairs game (apostrophes of contraction)

The Apostrophe with the Big Appetite
Demonstrations showing apostrophes of contraction.

Possessive Apostrophe
Demonstrations and games for learning about possessive apostrophes.

Homophone Habit
Getting into good habits for spelling homophones.

Spelling Numbers
Exploring the spelling of numbers 1‑20.